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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth

Presentation Tradition

An analysis of our Presentation heritage in education reveals certain values which are as vital today as they were in the 1770s.

Caring for the poor and disadvantaged in every sense.

Giving priority to religious and moral education.

Establishing curricula which answer the needs of the students.

Adopting teaching methods which are pupil-centred.

Providing for pastoral care and special needs education.

Developing a sense of mission.

Handing on our Irish heritage enshrined in religious and social customs

Presentation 200

Celebrating 200 Years of Presentation Presence in Drogheda, a Diary

Thursday, 12.12.2012

The Bi-centenary celebrations started with the launch of a Calendar ‘Presentation Community Celebrating 200 Years in Education in Drogheda 1813- 2013.’

Each of the 12 pages depicting the calendar months, plus the additional pages full of interesting facts, fascinating photographs and amazing artwork, offers a glimpse into the work of the Presentation Community in Drogheda since June 1813, when they set up their Primary school in the basement of 12 Fair Street. The progress in the Presentation mission in Drogheda over the 200 years is fittingly recorded. Growth in pupil numbers, additional rooms, new buildings, the provision of Secondary education and the relocation to Greenhills and Ballymakenny are beautifully illustrated. Smiling faces full of hope trigger special memories.

Friday, April 26th 2013

This day marked the 229th anniversary of the death of Nano Nagle. A Prayer Service was held in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Drogheda, to remember the lives of the 96 sisters who lived and worked in Drogheda over the 200 years: – 33 Sisters died in the first 100 years, 35 up to 1990, when the Convent in Fair St. closed, and 28 since then… May they all enjoy eternal life.

The Service incorporated the ‘Seed Dance’ recalling the memory of Nano Nagle and the seeds sown by the many sisters. The readings and prayers were complemented by the beautiful singing of the students from both Presentation Schools.

We recall the sisters with affection and gratitude for the legacy they planted and which continues to inspire and bear fruit in us. These seeds continue to grow and flourish in our schools on Ballymakenny Road and Our lady’s College, Greenhills.

Wednesday, May Day 2013

A ‘Bee and Butterfly Garden’ was launched in Presentation Primary School, Ballymakenny Road, which incorporated a special Dance and Drama on the life of Nano Nagle to commemorate 200 years of Presentation Sisters.

Friday, June 7th 2013

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus : A Gathering ceremony took place at No 12, Fair St. Drogheda to unveil a commemorative Plaque to mark the site of the First Presentation School in Drogheda, originally established in the Basement of No.12. There were further developments later on in: Fair St., St. Philomena’s, Duke St., Presentation Primary School , Ballymakenny Road and Our Lady’s College, Greenhills.

Sunday, June 9th 2013

A Special Mass was celebrated at 1.15 in St. Augustine’s church to mark 200 years of fruitful presence and faithful service to Drogheda and its people.

Summer 2013

Special Nano Nagle Mass commissioned and composed to be sung in Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Saturday November 16th as part of the Mass of Thanksgiving to mark 200 years of the Presentation Community in Drogheda.

July – October 2013

Designation and Preparation of Quiet Space Outdoors in Our Lady’s College, Greenhills and thus to mark commitment to Quiet / Reflective Time in the business of our world.

September – October – November 2013

Preparation and Launch of Nano Nagle Prayer Cards for all students and school communities and a limited supply of Nano Nagle Mugs by Leaving Certificate Applied Class of 2013, who also proposed the re-naming the Library in Our Lady`s College : The Nano Nagle Library.

October 2013

Exhibition of Photographs and Memorabilia 1813- 2013 at Drogheda Library, Stockwell Lane 22nd October- 12th November, then in the Primary and Secondary schools in November/ December.

Saturday 16th November 2013

Mass of Thanksgiving to celebrate 200 Years of Presentation Community in Drogheda 1813-2013, in Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 12 noon. All were welcome… Bhí fáilte roimh cách…

Presentation Community Bicentenary Mass of Thanksgiving

One of the high points of the celebrations to commemorate the Bicentenary of the Presentation Sisters in Drogheda was the Mass of Thanksgiving in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Drogheda on Saturday, November 16th, 2013.

A large congregation made up of pupils and staffs, past and present, parents, members of local religious communities and friends and relatives of the Presentation Sisters attended the specially commissioned Mass which was concelebrated by Cardinal Seán Brady, Coadjutor Archbishop Eamon Martin, Monsignor James Carroll P.P. St. Peter’s parish, Fr. Malachy Loughran O.S.A., Fr. Iggy O’ Donovan O.S.A., Fr. Larry Carragher P.P. Tullyallen, Fr. Emlyn McGinn, Fr. Martin Kenny and Fr. Patsy McDonnell St. Peter’s parish and Fr. Tony Mc Mullen O.P.

The Mass was composed and arranged by Gráinne Diskin and the words and music of the newly written gathering song, ‘Educare’, were by Ursula Murphy with arrangement by Gráinne Diskin. In the true community spirit of Venerable Nano Nagle, the music and singing were lead by the orchestra and choir comprising Staff – past and present, and students from Presentation School Ballymakenny and Our Lady’s College, Greenhills.

The opening procession, the beauty of the music and singing, the carefully chosen readings and prayers, the Gospel sung by Archbishop Martin, the Seed Dance performed by pupils of Presentation Primary School, Ballymakenny, the Communion Reflection composed and read by Ron Barrow, and the addresses by Cardinal Seán Brady and by Provincial Leader of the Northern Province of the Presentation Sisters, Sister Elizabeth Maxwell, all combined to make the ceremony a memorable event and a very fitting tribute to the Presentation Sisters’ 200 years of service in Drogheda.

After the Mass a large number of Presentation Sisters from home and abroad, relatives of the Sisters – living and deceased, Mayor Richard Culhane, Presentation schools staff members – past and present, representatives from School Boards and Parents’ Councils, contributors to the Remembering 200 Years book, Presentation 200 Committee members and Friends of Nano Nagle attended a reception in Our Lady’s College.

There was an Exhibition in the school of Memorabilia and Photographs recording Presentation Sisters, pupils, parents, staff and events in the life of the Presentation Community over many years.

Mayor Richard launched Remembering 200 Years, which is a unique collection of memories of school and convent life from Sisters, teachers and students. The book is available from both schools, from Easons and from the Augustinian and the Dominican Religious goods shops, price €10.

The sense of celebration throughout the day was crowned by Pope Frances’s declaration on October 31st of Nano Nagle as Venerable, the second stage on the path to Sainthood.

