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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth

Pastoral Care

The aim of the Pastoral Care system within the school is to help students, grow and mature into well-rounded people, with strong feelings of self-worth and identity.

Pastoral Care is the concern of all teachers but is focused on:

  1. The Head of Year
  2. The Class Teachers
  3. The School Counsellors
  4. The School Chaplains
  5. 6th Year Assistants to Class Teachers
  6. The Mentoring System

The key person in the Pastoral Care system is the Head of Year as can be seen from the diagrammatic representation underneath.

Home-School Liaison Head of Year School Counselors Person School Chaplains
Class teacher Class teacher Class teacher Class teacher Class teacher
1 2 3 4 5

Pastoral Care Programme

The class teachers and Head of Year work closely to implement a programme, which is geared to the needs of the students.

Day to day issues such as notes of absence and other relevant communications are given to the class teacher through the journal system.

The relationship that is encouraged to build between your daughter and the class teacher and the head of year is important.

The pastoral care team also work with the Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) co-ordinator to plan and deliver an effective SPHE programme.
