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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth


Parents’ Council

Our Lady`s College Parents` Council was established in 1977. It has been very active since the very beginning and has made a huge impact on the life of the school. It has put on a firm footing the partnership between parents, teachers and pupils, and its members have worked tirelessly for the good of the school. The Parents` Council has also contributed handsomely to the provision of facilities that have enhanced Greenhills enormously such as the Greenhills Gym and many other amenities.

Our Lady`s College view the active involvement of parents in school life as an essential element of partnership in education. We have a very committed Parents` Council, two members of which serve on the 8 member Board of Management of the school.

The Council is much more than a fundraising committee. The members make a valuable contribution to all new policies which are implemented in the school. The Council has also been involved in many new initiatives including the traffic calming measures outside the school, the healthy eating policy in the canteen and the second hand book scheme for senior cycle.

The Council also sponsors scholarships for students to the Gaeltacht and DCU.


The Parents` Council holds its AGM at the beginning of the school term and meets on the first Wednesday of every month in the school at 8.00pm. Parents` Council meetings are seen by many parents as social occasions where they can get together in a friendly atmosphere and gain a greater knowledge of the working of the school and enable their children to benefit more fully from their formal education. All meetings are attended by the Principal or their representative and by teacher delegates.

Useful Resources for Parents

A Student's Guide to Learning from Home

colorful 3d illustrated remote learning events and special interest presentation 1.pdf

Distance Learning Guidelines

distance learning red.pdf


Microsoft Teams Full Student Guide Video

Covid-19 and Helping Children with Dyslexia

Webwise Parents Hub
