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Our Lady's College, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth

Chess Club

The school chess club meets at lunchtimes, currently postponed due to covid, upstairs in the first year block. All are welcome including beginners, experienced players and teachers.

The school team plays in the Secondary Schools Chess League which includes schools in Drogheda, Carrickmacross, Dunleer and elsewhere. In the past we won this league a few years in a row and some of our students played for the Irish junior team.

Recently the team entered the ChessZ Girls Secondary Schools Leinster Finals in Dublin. They won this in April 2013 and in April 2014, when our second team also won the novices competition. We qualified for the All-Ireland in Limerick both years and did well.

The Autumn Selection Tournament is run from September each year to select the players for the school team. We run other tournaments throughout the year including the club championships. On prize-giving day prizes are awarded for the first few places in each tournament as well as grading prizes for the best improvers.  Friendly games and challenge games form part of the buzz in the club at lunchtimes. It is a welcoming place where you can make friends with other students not only from your own year.
